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THE AWAKENING OF ANGOLAN SOCIETY: the positive side of Pandemics.


 I mention that we received only negative news about the current scenario that the world is subjected to, it is time to highlight the positive aspects that Pandemics bring to society, in particular, Angolan.

 First of all, let it be evident that my contribution does not aim to attack people or institutions, but rather to help awaken our society by aiming at the country's development, that is, eradicating extreme poverty and minimizing social inequalities.

 Thus, as the story goes, the world has already been subjected to several pandemics that many of them resembled like the Apocalypse.  These pandemics brought about changes in society or aroused it.  For example, in Athens, before Christ, an epidemic, called typhoid fever, devastated that city, including one of that city's greatest democratic leaders, Pericles.  This epidemic just destroyed the project of the State or autonomous and democratic cities at that time.

 Moreover, in the Middle Ages another epidemic claimed the lives of the world's population, the Black Death.  This epidemic affected the feudal system or feudalism.  Even then, another epidemic, called the Bubonic Plague, which killed thousands of people in various parts of the world, especially in London.

 Someone said that "Pandemics are formidable and are armed with means that man is not prepared to fight".  These and other pandemics led man to reflect on the concept of living in society.  Now, with Covid19 it will be no different.

 As can be seen, those epidemics caused the Renaissance, the imagination, the progress of science and, especially, medicine, to arise or arise.  It made us rethink the improvement of basic sanitation for all.

 Having arrived here, I am sure that these days it will be no different, particularly in Angola.  Individual capacity will determine our fight against Covid19.  Each one must have the ability to prevent himself.  It is because of this individualism that some claim that the measures adopted are wrong, others claim that they are prudent or prudent but that they can generate negative economic effects. We will not go there ...

 What matters most at this moment is not money, but to survive.  Everyone wants to live.  The watchword is stay at home to survive.

 Covid19 came to awaken our society, which is not worth just walking towards economic growth with a "selfish" tendency, but an economic growth with a more "solidary and human" tendency.  Yes, he said solidarity and human economic growth because we cannot live by enriching only one social class due to political ideas.  We must reduce the social inequalities that are in the eyes of everyone.

 We must not forget that our survival will depend on everyone and especially on those who are extremely poor, as they have nothing or money to buy alcohol with gel, water, basic food products and a decent life.

 We cannot live in Angola excluding others from access to basic sanitation or minimum subsistence conditions.

 On the other hand, our health system must not work on wonderful speeches, but rather create conditions of access and treatment with dignity for all citizens.

 In addition, Covid19 aroused General and Higher Education Institutions, Public and Private, to seriously invest in information and communication technologies (especially non-face-to-face classes).  All institutions must from now on be equipped and adequate with all technological means.  Furthermore, the training of its teachers and students (students) in the management of those means is essential.

 We didn't stop there, Covid19 came to awaken family unity.  Uniting parents and children and vice versa.  Saving even weddings.  At a time when it was said that we lost moral values.  Only Covid to rescue.
 Prodigal children are learning to manage and value assets.

 Anyway ...

 Therefore, we appeal that it is useless to be confined in mansions and palaces fighting epidemics while the others have absolutely nothing to fight and survive.

 As I have said: our survival depends on everyone and we are all going to work for the Nation.

 Thank you!


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